About Us
Founded in 2017, the Lebanese National Energy is a non-profit civil society organization aimed at national social and economic development.
As local drivers of change, we seek to achieve the necessary positive transformation as envisaged in the UN 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG s) and beyond.
We believe that only through empowered, informed and engaged local communities a national partnership for recovery, economic growth and social development can be achieved.
Trusting the Lebanese human capital and its capacities, we acknowledge that only through its development, as a principal national resource, brain drain can be reversed.
Grassroot driven and realistic, we admit that all the issues Lebanon is currently confronted with cannot be addressed simultaneously. Therefore, we concentrate on core sectors where our expertise and contribution can make a real difference.
We have purposefully selected to exert efforts on technical and vocational education and training; food security and agriculture; sustainable livelihoods; and social cohesion and citizenship; as part of an extensive study where we can add real value.
A holistic and collective approach is in the mindset of our development efforts. Through a wide system of local and international strategic partnerships (municipalities, vetted non-profits, agencies, donors, public institutions etc.), we endeavor to alleviate complex needs and challenges which local communities across Lebanon are facing.
We positively contribute in the shaping of our Nation by propelling its diversity as a source of creativity and development. As such, the partnerships we have created to date will amplify towards a stronger social cohesion transcending differences into synergies.
Our team is composed of professionals from different fields rooted in the civil society, public and private sectors, with local, regional, and international expertise.
LNE showcased available resources of economic energy and creatively exhibited our nation’s wealth through various initiatives across several themes and spread from north to south.
Directing an increase in self-reliance where food security and agricultural production was relevant, we shifted our offering to match as needed. Further momentum rendered these offerings obvious due to the global pandemic, recent shortage in world food supply, and increasing costs of living.
Observing global trends, such as the SDG(s) and its opportunities, coupled with monitoring Lebanon’s need in social empowerment, we partnered with key institutions to stand by our communities in dire times.
Overdependence on the financial services sector, neglection of small and medium size manufacturing industries and disproportionate attention given to high-end education resulted in an unbalanced labor market and an unsustainable economic model, the fragility of which was made dramatically clear when the crisis began. This led to a devastating outcome of brain drain depleting Lebanon of its most skilled and educated workforce. To address this most immediate challenge, we have identified four core interrelated sectors, where our comparative advantage and expertise allow us to achieve real, fast, and sustainable positive impacts.
LNE Board of directors

Lena Keyrouz Abi farah

Raymond Tarabay
Vice – President

Rafic El Haddad

Rima Ghazal

Randa Aoun
LNE's Organisation Chart

Our Vision
Help achieve a real paradigm-shift in mindsets and practices towards an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable prosperity in a human-centered nationalistic society aligned with the UN SDG goals.
Our Mission
LNE’s mission is to build a productive and skilled economy that enhances the quality of life in local communities, especially youth, women, and vulnerable groups.
Improve sense of citizenship and social cohesion reinforcing the grounds of an inclusive national unity.
Our Values
• Sustainability
• Good governance
• Gender equality
• Transparency
• Empathy
• Human rights and well-being
• Youth Empowerment
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion
LNE’s values represent our ethos and are intrinsically linked to leading by example. What works for the community should work for us too.
Marketing Strategy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Interior Design
I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising.
Marketing Strategy
Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself.
Product Selling
A man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences.
Product Design
we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled.
Social Marketing
These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.
Our Vision
Help achieve a real paradigm-shift in mindsets and practices towards an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable prosperity and national unity in a human-centered society aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Mission
To build a productive and skilled economy that enhances the quality of life in local communities, especially youth, women, and vulnerable groups. To improve the sense of citizenship and social cohesion, reinforcing the grounds of an inclusive national unity.
Our Values
• Sustainability
• Good governance
• Gender equality
• Transparency
• Empathy
• Human rights and well-being
• Youth Empowerment
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion
LNE’s values represent our ethos and are intrinsically linked to leading by exemple. What works for the community should work for us too.
Our Core Sectors

Food Security & Agriculture
Improve food availability and access while supporting food /agriculture value chains...

Sustainable Livelihoods & Economic Growth
Strengthen people’s livelihood assets and their capacities to build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities ...

Social Cohesion & Citizenship
Strengthen local communities’ expanse to engage in conflict resolution, dialogue, peace...

Social Inclusion & Youth Empowerment
(TVET) program that fulfills labor market needs with its customized skill-set approach.
Our Core Sectors

Food Security & Agriculture
Improve food availability and access while supporting food /agriculture value chains...

Sustainable Livelihoods & Economic Growth
Strengthen people’s livelihood assets and their capacities to build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities ...

Social Stability & Citizenship
Strengthen local communities’ expanse to engage in conflict resolution, dialogue, peace...

Social Inclusion & Youth Empowerment
(TVET) program that fulfills labor market needs with its customized skill-set approach.