Christmas in the city

in the City

The Lebanese National Energy (LNE) held its Christmas fair

“Christmas in the City” at the Frères Sacré Coeur School – Gemmayzeh, Beirut, in collaboration with the school’s administration. The fair, which stretched over a period of two weeks – December 16 to December 30, 2022, was under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Social Affairs, and in partnership with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI).

The launch, a grand ceremony, was attended by more than 3,000 persons, with welcoming speeches by the Director of the Frères Sacré Coeur School – Gemmayzeh, Mr. Rodolph Abboud; the Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Hector Hajjar; the Minister of Tourism, Eng. Walid Nassar; and the President of the LNE, Mr. Ghassan El Khoury; crowned by the lighting of the Christmas tree and fireworks sparkling the Beirut sky.

Considering the social and economic challenges that Lebanon is currently undergoing, the exhibition aimed to provide equal and comprehensive opportunities for society and spread a spirit of strong will, especially among parents and youth, all while activating and empowering a system to support vulnerable members of society and assist them in securing respectable and acceptable living conditions. The underlying objective was to promote economic development and support marketing Lebanese products thus motivating and supporting various industries.

The exhibition welcomed approximately 20,000 visitors with more than 90 companies and commercial establishments participating including: a special pavilion for Lebanese wine producers and another for non-governmental organizations wishing to market their products. Visitors savored a variety of foods satisfying different taste buds. About 2,000 square meters were allocated for children’s games, and the school theater hosted eight Christmas plays, which in-turn attracted 2,400 children. Daily performances, concerts, parades and other relevant activities maintained the holiday spirit.

The fair was capped with an acclaimed Christmas concert “LNE – Christmas in the City Concert” held in the historic church of the Frères Sacré Coeur School – Gemmayzeh. More than 70 musicians and choruses of the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra and four soloists were led by Maestro Abdo Mounzer. The concert hall was at maximum capacity with an audience of 1,200 who enjoyed amazing sound and light effects accompanying the joy-spreading carols. The LBCI transmitted it live, allowing all Lebanese to view the concert in the comfort of their homes. Much praise has been received from the audience and viewers.

Additionally, and as an outcome of “Christmas in the City”, the LNE secured 500 hot meals which were distributed to the elderly and the underprivileged of the area on both, Christmas and new year’s eves. It also committed to provide the proceeds of the exhibition in the form of school scholarships to cover the tuition of school students.

Our Vision

Help achieve a real paradigm-shift in mindsets and practices towards an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable prosperity in a human-centered nationalistic society aligned with the UN SDG goals.

Our Mission

LNE’s mission is to build a productive and skilled economy that enhances the quality of life in local communities, especially youth, women, and vulnerable groups.
Improve sense of citizenship and social cohesion reinforcing the grounds of an inclusive national unity.

Our Values

• Sustainability
• Good governance
• Gender equality
• Transparency
• Empathy
• Human rights and well-being
• Youth Empowerment
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion

LNE’s values represent our ethos and are intrinsically linked to leading by example. What works for the community should work for us too.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising.

Marketing Strategy

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself.

Product Selling

A man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences.

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we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled.

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These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

Our Core Sectors

Food Security Cover

Food Security & Agriculture

Improve food availability and access while supporting food /agriculture value chains...


Sustainable Livelihoods & Economic Growth

Strengthen people’s livelihood assets and their capacities to build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities ...


Social Stability & Citizenship

Strengthen local communities’ expanse to engage in conflict resolution, dialogue, peace...


Social Inclusion & Youth Empowerment

(TVET) program that fulfills labor market needs with its customized skill-set approach.